Preserving Call Details of Investigating Agency During Trial: Legal Imperatives and Precedents

Preserving Call Details of Investigating Agency During Trial: Legal Imperatives and Precedents


In an age dominated by digital communication, call details have become invaluable pieces of evidence in criminal investigations and subsequent trials. They often serve as a key element in establishing timelines, connections, and motives crucial to understanding and proving a case. However, the integrity and authenticity of these records are paramount, and preserving call details is a legal imperative. This article explores the significance of preserving call details of the investigating agency during a trial, while referencing various judgments of high courts and established legal principles.

The Legal Imperative

Preserving call details is critical to ensuring that justice is served in a fair and transparent manner. Tampering with or manipulating call records can lead to severe miscarriages of justice, and therefore, it is imperative to have strict legal guidelines.

1. The Evidence Act, 1872: Section 65B

One of the fundamental legal provisions governing electronic evidence, including call records, is Section 65B of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. This section explicitly addresses the admissibility of electronic evidence and requires it to be accompanied by a certificate. This certificate must be issued by a person responsible for maintaining the concerned computer resource or someone with knowledge of the computer system. It serves to validate the authenticity of the electronic evidence and ensure it hasn’t been tampered with.

2. Chain of Custody

Maintaining the chain of custody is crucial for ensuring the integrity of call records. The chain of custody refers to the chronological documentation of the evidence’s possession, handling, and storage. Any gaps or inconsistencies in the chain of custody can be grounds for challenging the admissibility of evidence during the trial. This legal principle is essential to maintain the credibility of call records.

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Investigating agencies are mandated to have comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in place for the preservation of call details. These SOPs should cover the secure storage, retrieval, and presentation of such evidence during the trial. They help in maintaining consistency and reliability in handling electronic evidence, ensuring that the records presented in court accurately reflect the original data.

Notable Judgments and Legal Precedents

Several high court judgments have underscored the importance of preserving call details during a trial and have established significant legal precedents in this regard.

1. State of Kerala vs. K. Ajith Kumar (2007)

In this landmark case, the Kerala High Court emphasized the importance of adhering to Section 65B of the Evidence Act. It stressed the necessity of a certificate to validate electronic evidence, including call records. The court held that call records must be treated as electronic evidence, and their authenticity should be established through proper certification, ensuring their integrity.

2. Ram Singh vs. State (NCT of Delhi) (2013)

In the widely publicized Nirbhaya gang-rape case, the Delhi High Court reiterated the significance of the chain of custody. The court made it clear that any tampering or manipulation of evidence during the investigation could lead to the exclusion of such evidence in court. This ruling underscored the importance of maintaining the integrity and continuity of the evidence chain.

3. Afsan Guru vs. State (2013)

In this case, the Delhi High Court emphasized the need for strict adherence to SOPs in the handling and preservation of call records. Any deviation from these procedures could cast doubts on the authenticity of the evidence. This ruling emphasized the importance of standardized and rigorous procedures in the collection, storage, and presentation of call details.

4. Gagandeep Singh @Gagan Vs State of Punjab (Punjab and Haryana High Court, decided on 31.05.2022)

It was observed & held by the Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court as “accused has to build up his defence right from the very inception after charges are framed. It is not that defence has to be build up only at the stage of recording of statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C. or at the stage of recording defence evidence, but the same can well be built up right from the
stage of cross-examination of the prosecution witnesses when the accused would be confronting the prosecution witnesses with all such material which could demolish their deposition. If the accused can be permitted to have access to these documents at the stage of recording defence evidence, then this Court does not see any rationale in depriving accused access to such documents at the stage of crossexamining prosecution witnesses so as to build up his defence


Hon’ble Delhi High Court in Suresh Kalmadi Vs. CBI 2015(8) RCR 378, in an identical situation where a request for furnishing calldetails at the stage of recording prosecution evidence had been declined held that since the accused has to build up his defence from day one, therefore, such documents ought to be supplied to the accused and consequently set aside the order of the trial Court, while directing that call details record be furnished to accused.


The preservation of call details by the investigating agency during a trial is not just a legal formality but a fundamental requirement for ensuring justice. Similarly, preserving of call details of the investigating agency is also necessary for delivering justice. Upholding the integrity and authenticity of this evidence is paramount in the digital age of communication. By adhering to Section 65B of the Evidence Act, maintaining the chain of custody, and implementing robust SOPs, the legal system can better serve its core purpose of delivering justice.

In an era where digital evidence plays a pivotal role in investigations, strict compliance with legal standards and precedents is essential. The preservation of call details is not only about presenting evidence but about maintaining the trust and credibility of the criminal justice system. By following these legal imperatives and referring to established precedents, we can ensure that call records serve as reliable and accurate pieces of evidence in the pursuit of truth and justice.

Advocate Anoop Verma, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh